1764/Words_that_rhyme_with_'list' quizzes

Search results

    • Lunar seas
    • List the names of the lunar maria (seas of the moon) in English, from their Latin names.
    • Anagrams: marathon
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "marathon". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: verbose
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "verbose". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: election
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "election". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: England
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "England". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Anagrams: medical
    • List the words that can be made using letters in the word "medical". Words must be 4 letters or longer, each letter can only be used once.
    • Word chain STARTLING
    • Beginning with the word "I", fill in the subsequent words so that each word contains all the letters of the previous word, plus one more letter. Do this until you arrive at the word "startling" at the end. e.g. I -> IT -> LIT -> LIST -> ...
    • Matthew 7:7-8 (ICB)
    • Listen to the song from "Bible Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuZCnvNFR_w&list=UUg4BE8j_bNXBrQVuAsRQM0w&index=21&feature=plcp Fill in the blanks.